Community Event Notice – Parent Organized Poker Night

25 Apr

Hi Parents,

Another community invitation – this one is Adults Only!

The Community Event Playground Fundraising Group is hosting a Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament. This event is for adults only and will be taking place at Sullivan Hall on May 6th.

What: Poker Tournament

When: May 6th – first deal at 7pm

Where: Sullivan Hall

Why: To help raise funds for the Community Playground Initiative

How much: Tickets are $50, which includes your buy-in and food from Fresh Street


Jerry Barr @ 604-813-5581,

Sean Glavin @ 604-808-5548,

Beverly Hudym @ 604-312-8394.

Tickets are also available at the door.

Please see flyer below for more information

Sullivan Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament

Community Event Notice!

24 Apr

Hello all,

The Sullivan Heights Grade 10 Leadership class is hosting an All Candidates Event at Sullivan Heights Secondary (64 & 144) on April 25th from 6:00pm-8:00pm.
This event is non-partisan and student led. Please come out and make your voice heard.

Where: Sullivan Heights Secondary

When: April 25th from 6:00pm-8:00pm

Who: Confirmed attendees include Green representative Veronica Greer, Liberal representatives Puneet Sandhar and Peter Fassbender, and NDP representatives Jinny Sims and Jagrup Brar.


Community Event – Boy Smarts by Barry MacDonald

15 Mar

Happy Spring Break Parents!

On the last day of school before Spring Break, some of you may have received a flyer for an upcoming fundraiser that the PAC is putting on to raise money for the playground upgrade.

We have the fortunate opportunity to have Barry MacDonald come and make a presentation for us called Boy Smarts. This presentation will cover the various needs of boys and how to respond to them. It will also cover how to help boys navigate cultural realities online and elsewhere as well as covering how to mentor boys to manage stress to become confident and productive.

Barry MacDonald is an educator and Registered Clinical Counsellor who is a champion for strong families, strong schools, and an advocate for boys. A sought-after speaker and authority on boys and learning, he has worked with parents, educators, and youth for over thirty years, nationally and internationally. If you are interested in tickets, please contact the PAC by email

When: April 6th – 7:00pm-8:30pm

Where: Cambridge Elementary School

Cost: Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door.

**Bonus: If you are one of the 1st 100 ticket purchasers, you will be entered into a draw to win one of 20 copies of Barry’s book, signed by him!

For more information on Barry MacDonald, please visit

Boy Smarts 2017

We are in the process of possibly offering childcare. If you are interested in attending, but would require childcare, please contact us at

Bake Sale – March 8th

6 Mar

Just a reminder to all families that we will be having our first bake sale this Wednesday March 8th.

If you would like to donate any baked goods, or your time, we would really appreciate it. All baked goods (NUT-free of course!) can be dropped off in the PAC kitchen or the Multi-Purpose room on Wednesday morning.

If you are able to donate an hour or so at any point during the day, please send us an email at

And last, but not least, don’t forget to send the little ones with some toonies and loonies to purchase some of the baked goods.

These events wouldn’t be a success without all of our parent support. We really appreciate it!

PAC Exec

Happy Holiday Season – Upcoming events!

19 Nov

Hello Parents,

It is that time of year again! Busyness is approaching! Here are the upcoming events we have planned before Christmas!

We will be requiring lots of volunteers for most of these events. Please let us know if you are available for any of the following at

Poinsettia Orders

Don’t forget about the Poinsettia Orders! The forms with payment are due no later than November 25th. Cheques are made payable to CAMBRIDGE PAC.

The link for the website is :

Also, there will be a pizza lunch prize to the class that sells the most poinsettias from both the primary divisions (K-3) and intermediate divisions (4-7)!

Pyjama Drive

Every year Cambridge takes part in the Christmas Pyjama Drive. We will be collecting new pairs of pyjamas for kids up to age 16. These will be donated to various Christmas Bureaus for families that depend on their services. If you would like to donate a NEW pair or two, please bring them to the school and put in the box in front of the office before December 2nd.

Here is a video link for more information on the Christmas Pyjama Drive

We will also be collected new toys or non-perishable food items to donate to the Christmas Bureau as well. Please drop these off in front of the office in the Christmas box.

Looking forward to seeing all the amazing donations from our Cambridge community!


Sullivan Heights Grad class of 2017 will be hosting a Winter Wonderland this month. There will be Santa Photos, winter treats, family games and live performances. They are asking that you bring a non-perishable food item for their food bank drive.

  • When: November 28, 2016
  • Where: Sullivan Heights Secondary – 6248 144 Street, Surrey
  • Time: 4:00pm – 6:30pm


Scholastic Book Fair – December 5th-8th

We are hosting the Scholastic Book Fair again this year with Mrs. Turner. This is always such a great event at Cambridge. The schedule will be posted once it is completed, but we will need parent volunteers to make this event successful! We will require volunteers on Friday December 2nd to help with the setup and then volunteers on every day of the week to run the till. If you are available, please send us an email at

Gingerbread Houses – 

Gingerbread House Assembly  – We need 2 parents from each class to help in assembling the gingerbread houses that the students will be decorating.  We will be doing this on the morning of December 8th. If you are able to volunteer, please contact your class parent and let them know.

We will also require 4L buckets if you have any. We provide all the icing for the kids to decorate the houses, but we need to bring the buckets to the bakery for them to fill up! If you have some, please drop these off at the office before December 1st.

Hot Dog Day –

Friday, December 9th – We will be having hot dogs for hot lunch! If you are able to come and cook the hot dogs and help distribute them to the classrooms, please let us know at We will require at least 5 volunteers to cook and wrap and sort the hot dogs and then a couple volunteers to run them to the classrooms.

Deadline to order the hot dogs is December 4th. You can order online at Access code is CEHL

And last, but not least, PANCAKE DAY!

Every year, the PAC puts on this free lunch for every student at Cambridge. It will be on Friday December 16th. We need quite a few parents to flip pancakes and help deliver them to all the students. If you would like to volunteer, please let us know at

There will be an order form going home in your student’s planner within the next week or so. This FREE hot lunch will not be on our website as we require an order form from every student wishing to participate and we need to have all the allergies listed. If we do not receive an order form, we will not be able to serve your child. So please make sure that all order forms are in by December 9th!

We know that this is a lot of information to take in, but we want to make sure that you are all informed on what is going on in the next month! We look forward to seeing all of you around the school for all the different events!

Tracy, Jaime, Taryn and Allyson




Creatures of Cambridge Dance

19 Oct

Hello Cambridge Families,
Just a few reminders about tomorrow night’s Creatures of Cambridge Dance:

1. The dance goes from 6pm-8pm. If your child is planning on attending the dance, you must stay at the dance. There is no drop-off. 

2. There is no entry fee or ticket. We only request that you bring a non-perishable food item for the food bank. 

2. We are not handing out tickets for the pizza this year as everything was done online. When you get to the dance, we will have all the pizzas setup near the kindergarten rooms and they will be handed out by division number. Please understand that since there is a very large order, we are receiving all the pizzas in 2 waves, so your pizza might not be there until 6:15.

3. There will be a photo booth starting at 5:30 this year. It costs $2 per photo and you will only be able to use one ticket at a time.

4. There will also be a concession. We will be selling water, pop, chips, and candy. 

5. We will be collecting costumes. If you would like to donate some, please make sure that they are in good used condition. 

Thank you and looking forward to seeing all the creatures of Cambridge out tomorrow night.

A Few Updates From Your PAC

23 Sep

Hello parents,

We thought it was time to update you all. We have gained quite a few new followers this September!

First update – Welcome Back BBQ and Meet the Teachers Night

The BBQ is fast approaching! Don’t forget to submit your orders by today! We will be taking orders until today after school. And don’t forget to volunteer! This is one of the first events of the year and we will need lots of volunteers! We need people to BBQ, help serve the food, help with the concession and help setup and take down.

Second Update –  Hot Lunch Ordering

The PAC sent home a letter last week (or early this week depending on your teacher!). We have decided to switch to a new ordering system for our PAC hot lunches. Once we have confirmed dates and menus with the providers, hopefully in the next week, you will be able to place your orders for the year all at once. We are hoping that this will alleviate some of the processing the PAC has to do and give us more time to focus on planning more events!

This site will also have updates and a calendar. It will keep track of allergies and we will be able to print reports to help both us and the teachers when sorting and delivering lunches. The other thing that the website will be able to do is accept volunteers. If you are able to volunteer, please do! We can’t host these lunches or events without help!

Right now, the only food that you are able to order is for the Halloween Dance which is October 20th. We will be ordering Domino’s pizzas again this year.

As said before, this is NOT the Lunch Lady. The Lunch Lady is still providing lunches every Wednesday if you choose to order them. Her website is

Third and final update – Class Parents

We want to thank all of the parents that have already volunteered to be their class’s parent! We really appreciate it! If you haven’t already done so, and would like to volunteer, please send us an email with your name, email address, phone number and child’s division and teacher.

Just a reminder that the first PAC meeting of the year will take place next Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 6:30pm at Cambridge.

Hope you all enjoy this rainy weather!


Happy Back To School

3 Sep

Hello Cambridge Families,

Hope you  are all looking forward to the new school year! As we prep for the first day of school, we just wanted to give you a few things to remember:

Here is the school map for where to go on the first day:


For the parents with Kindergartens, here is the link to the gradual entry schedule, as well as the group that your Kinder is in!

And now, on to the icky stuff:

They are predicting a chemical resistant super lice this year. The article below goes into a little more detail, but here are the basics:

  • Keep children’s hair up and close to the scalp
  • Opt for shorter hair cuts
  • Check often with a metal comb
  • Talk to your children. Head lice is passed head to head contact. With all the modern technology, the selfie is cause of lice transfer.

With that, we hope you enjoy your long weekend! Looking forward to seeing all the old faces and the new!

Your PAC Exec,

Tracy, Jaime, Taryn and Allyson

Reminder: Pop-Up Shop tomorrow 

21 Jun

Good evening parents,

Just wanted to send out a reminder that there will be a Pop-Up Shop tomorrow during recess and possibly lunch. 

There will be candy bags, chips, freezies and juice boxes. Please send your kids with toonies or loonies if they would like to purchase anything. There will be a limit of 2 items per student. 

Hope you all have a great evening!

Community Event!

30 May

Hello Cambridge Families,

Just wanted to let you know that we have just received a flyer for the upcoming Sullivan Heights Community Carnival this Thursday, June 2nd from 4:00pm-6:30pm


Hope you are all able to make it out for some community fun!